Friday, July 20, 2007

Yo - Ho! (A pirate's life for me!)

Don't you just love kids? They are so creative and have the best imaginations ever. My boys decided our picnic table was their pirate ship and they've had a blast out there every day since we got it. As you can see they go all out with the pirate garb and Tyler has even filled the wagon with water for the use of walking the plank - really just the bench. The other day I caught them playing under the umbrella and went out to ask them not to. Tyler replied matter of factly, "But mom, we need to raise the sails." This year for Ty's birthday Susan and Don's family gave Ty a Pirates of the Carribean card that plays a song from the movie when you open it. I am surprised that it is still working, but they love to open it up and sword fights to the music! Ah kids... They have the good life eh? Or should I say "Arr me mateys!" We love all you scurvy dogs!

1 comment:

Lady Bills said...

freak you can't tell stories like this... i kills me to not be sitting up on that table with them playing the part of skipper-dee-do!

i love your boys!