Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th Everyone!

Hey Family and friends! I hope your 4th was a great one. We enjoyed ourselves by just taking it easy all day! What do you do on the 4th besides be lazy, BBQ with family and light fireworks at the end of the day? I guess we need to start establishing a family tradition. For now I am content with having my husband home and just spending the day with our family. We went to my parent's to celebrate since we planned to hang out with the Sivill fam and Doug and we figured it would be easier on Whitney to get to the bathroom ( luv ya Whit).It was a pretty nice evening as a family - just really layed back. We over did on the fireworks a little, but the guys sure had fun lighting them and blowing them up, including Spencer's leg - actually it was just a little burn, but he may have learned a lesson about making homemade bombs. The kids enjoyed the pop rocks the best! Probably because they could actually do that themselves. But all in all it was a success. We love you all and hope you all the best of days! Mostly I wanted to share our love and some pictures we took, that is my forte'! ( I am not elequent of speech like some)


Lady Bills said...

oh my gosh i love these pictures of you more than i can say. it looks like you all had a great 4th!!!

love you so much and miss you every day!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to more pics! This seems easier than a phone call sometimes, huh?
Sorry we missed you on the 4th! Looks like it was fun.