Friday, July 27, 2007

Our "Pioneer Day" Week

Hope you all had a good 24th of July! On Saturday there was a pioneer primary party for the kids so we took them and they did a little mini trek from our Stake center to the school. Then they played some pioneer games and seemed to have a good time. (Just thought I'd share a pic from that) Then we went camping up to Soap Stone (in the Uintahs). We had a really good time. The boys had some great adventures and unfortunately Haleigh was forced to stay in her play pen or being held because she isn't walking quite yet. (Can you imagine how black she would be if she was crawling all over?!) Since the 24th fell on a Tuesday Roger worked Monday and then we took the kids to the Zoo on Tuesday for fun. We haven't been for a couple of years and I was impressed by all of the improvements made. They seemed to have a really good time and we were all exhausted by the end of it. We had a little BBQ in the light rain that evening and all in all I think it was a success. Hope you enjoy all the pics.


Lady Bills said...

24th of july??? what's that?

remember the times we'd sleep out on the street to save places for the parade?

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog Amy. I love the pics. Keep it up cuz I'm gonna steal 'em off the site to add to our computer album. Such a great way to share the pics!
You're awesome as usual.