This is my solution to our boy/girl room dilema - have both! Just ignore what I look like...
Max's side of the nursery
So, I finally did it. I painted Max's side of the nursery. I think part of me still wanted to be in denial, and most of me knows that I needed to just do it and get it over with. See, I was sooo excited to have a girl when Haleigh came along that everything was pink and feminine... So, for me to have to paint over that longed for wall color was the last thing I wanted to do. But, I found a solution that works for me for now. Since they have to share a room I thought Haleigh should still get her pink girly room and Max definately needed something different and more boyish. So, my amazing mother went about making a BLUE crib set to match the pink bedding she made for Haleigh. (Their bedding is really cute together) And in order to get the full effect of the "boyness" we painted the wall BLUE where Max's crib is. Not ideal, but cute nonetheless. So, here is to little girls and to little boys and also to Sleeping Beauty, who inspired my choice of blog title! ;) And here are the pictures for the full effect.