Monday, March 28, 2011

"Invisible Potion"

Ok, so I haven't blogged in forever, but I had to write this down somewhere so I don't forget! Today after school Gabe sat quietly at the table creating something as I did the dishes. Next thing I know he's got the hand soap and he's mixing it into a bowl. Then I hear him say to Haleigh, "It take 10 seconds." So, he put the timer on and stuck his finger in to test it. He was so excited that I almost cried when I saw his disappointed face, all because his finger came out NOT as invisible as he had hoped it would. He is such a cute kid and so creative. I love his imagination and his innocence! Tyler came over and tried to encourage him by telling him maybe he just "needs to believe." I love kids! So, he decided to try putting more soap into the mixture and counted to 10 once again. They were so excited to realize that when they put their finger in the mixture this time it would "disappear?!" **But, it was because the water was so murky from the soap and glue and they could no longer see through the water clearly and their finger wasn't visible as a result!** I tried so hard not to laugh when Gabe exclaimed, "It works! My invention works." I just smiled and gave him the thumbs up. I hope he never grows out of this innocent stage, but I know the day will come and I will still look back on these memories and smile. :) I included a scan of the potion paper he wrote because it was too cute for words.

1 comment:

Tiff said...

That really is too cute. I love stories like this!